Monday, March 7, 2011 Well: Can Exercise Keep You Young?

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If this doesn't get you to exercise, I don't know what will!

HEALTH   | March 02, 2011
Well: Can Exercise Keep You Young?
An new study finds that exercise reduced or eliminated signs of aging in mice genetically programmed to grow old at an accelerated pace.


Posted via email from belezamedspa's posterous

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Breaking News

Dr Lawrence Broder of Beleza Medspa in Austin Texas ( attends 27th annual meeting of American Academy of Cosmetic Surgery. Stay tuned for the latest updates on fat transfer, stem cells and platelets for rejuvenation. Beleza medspa appears to be at the forefront of these procedures and is excited to add many more.

Posted via email from belezamedspa's posterous