Monday, December 7, 2009

What is HCG Diet?

What is HCG Diet?
The HCG weight loss diet consists of a very low calorie diet (VLCD) accompanied by treatments of HCG given either via injections, a topical cream or by mouth. The average HCG dieter experiences rapid weight loss averaging 1 to 3 pounds per day. In addition to loss of unwanted fat, the true benefit of the HCG protocol is its ability to help modify the dieter’s relationship with food and eating, resulting in easily maintained, long-term weight loss.

The diet is based on utilizing the amazing fat mobilizing properties of HCG. HCG is an abbreviation for Human Chorionic Gonadotropin. This is a hormone naturally produced in a woman’s body when she is pregnant. It has many functions and is used medically to treat a variety of conditions. It is the pregnancy hormone that almost completely controls metabolic functions. This hormone allows the body to mobilize fat and use it as energy for both mother and fetus. This acts as a “fail-safe” mechanism when energy is needed immediately. For weight loss, we use only minute amounts of HCG to capitalize on this same mechanism. Using HCG in this way does NOT mimic pregnancy; in fact, it can be safely used by both adult men and women.

What are the safety issues of HCG hormone?
HCG is extremely safe. All women experience very high levels during the nine months of every pregnancy with no adverse effects. The small amount used for weight loss has very few, if any, side effects.

The HCG diet is very low calorie, will I get hungry?
Because HCG mobilizes fat and makes it available to the body as an energy source, it naturally reduces appetite. Your appetite center sees your blood rich in nutrients so it is not stimulated to make you hungry. Therefore, even though you are consuming fewer calories, your body can access the energy you have stored in fat cells and use it for your normal daily metabolic needs. The thousands of calories of fat that already exists in your abnormal fat stores are mobilized so you lose weight as these stores shrink.

However, this effect is not immediate. The first three days of the diet help to begin the metabolic change from the HCG, so you eat normally. The next three days you go on the 500 calories a day, and this is the toughest part. We therefore recommend you do the diet with a buddy for support.

Shortly within the first week of the diet, most patients notice a significant decrease in their appetite. Moreover, most people have adequate energy and feel good while on the program. Short term appetite suppressants are usually not necessary and can create problems. However, we don’t want you to fail because you are excessively hungry.

Will it help to eat even less than 500 calories a day?
Studies have shown that eating less than 500 calories does not improve the results. The reason for the very low caloric intake is to create a negative calorie balance. An excessive negative doesn’t help and may change your metabolism to the worse. Eating lower amounts of calories do not speed up the process. Eating smaller quantities of food may actually stop the fat mobilizing mechanism.

What if I am not hungry on the HCG, do I have to eat everything listed in the VLCD?

Yes, whether you are hungry or not, you must eat the lunch and dinner in their complete from as directed. You cannot have one big meal per day. You may take the fruit from either lunch or dinner and eat it at breakfast. No other changes or substitutions are allowed as they slow or stop the fat burning process.

What are the advantages of the topical cream or sublingual drops of HCG compared to the injections?
The difference is primarily ease of use. If you use the cream or sublingual drops, you have no needles, no mixing, no bruising, no risk of infection, and no loss of potency in short time. The cream or liquid is a lot easier to use than the injections yet some people prefer the injections because they believe they have better absorption. Compliance is easier to achieve with the cream and liquid, making the effectiveness far higher because patients are more consistent with their dosages.

Will it affect my appearance? Will I get wrinkles or stretch marks if I lose all this weight?
No, not with this method. Abnormal fat deposits should disappear. Double chins, pot bellies, and fat around the thighs should be the first to go. The treatment does not deplete the subcutaneous or other essential fat. The face retains its freshness and natural appearance. Most people see a noticeable difference in their facial appearance due to the thinness of the face. The skin usually retracts and tightens on its own over time, no matter where it is on the body.

What effects can I expect from the medication itself?
Usually a loss of appetite occurs and patients notice that the severe compulsive hunger disappears. Most feel good to great and maintain an adequate energy level. The afternoon can sometimes be a bit weak, but this can occur with a normal diet.

What if I miss one or more doses?

This can just delay the total effectiveness of the program, potentially 3 days for every dose missed. You may experience increased hunger and cravings. If you miss more than 3 doses in one week the effect of the HCG is nullified and you may need to stop altogether or start over.

What do you recommend I eat at a restaurant?
Avoid eating at restaurants during HCG therapy. Most of these foods are heavily processed, loaded with trans fats, high fructose corn syrup, MSG, flavor enhancers and almost never fresh. The portions are outrageously huge as is the price. If you have to eat out, choose seafood and ask that it be prepared dry with no oil or butter. You can order grilled chicken, but only eat the 3.5 oz as directed. Ask for steamed vegetables but choose from the prescribed list or participate in the salad bar without the dressing and extras.

What about protein and vitamin deficiencies’ during the diet?
The diet is a very specific combination and balance of protein, carbs and fat. However, you must replenish your essential vitamins and other nutrients daily. Certain supplements are recommended and available at very modest prices. We recommend a high potency multi-vitamin be taken while on the program as well as on an ongoing basis. Vitamins and minerals are the basic foundation to optimal health and generally deficient in appropriate amounts in our food due to multiple reasons, including over farming and overusing the soil. Some vitamins have antioxidant properties and should be taken in larger amounts than in a single multi-vitamin tablet. We offer an array of supplements with this program in order to prevent deficiencies.

What if I am Vegetarian or Vegan?
If you are vegetarian there are a few alternatives but the weight loss is generally slower. It is more difficult to participate in the program as a Vegan but can be done with soy protein or a willingness to consume seafood. Just make sure you ingest the equivalent of 3.5 ounces of meat twice a day.

What happens if I get constipated?
That is uncommon if you are consuming the recommended water, fiber and magnesium supplementation. Black coffee is helpful as are multiple over the counter products that contain high fiber content without calories. Animal protein does not contain any fiber and although the diet includes fruits and vegetables it is vital that you consume extra fiber and a lot of water.

What if I occasionally get jittery or shaky due to the reduced quantity of food?
Although common without HCG, with HCG these usually do not occur due to the mobilization of thousands of calories from fat. However, blood glucose levels could fluctuate creating these symptoms. A 15 calorie Lifesaver or extra fruit when necessary, usually controls this and does not interfere with the weight loss.

What happens if I hit a plateau and stop losing weight?

If you reach a “plateau” phase where you have lost much weight but then you don’t lose weight for 4-6 days, you should do an “apple-day”: you ingest only 6 apples for a day. Begin just before lunch and continue until lunch the following day. Eat one apple whenever you feel the desire with a maximum of 6 apples in 24 hours. Plus, make sure you drink plenty of water.

Why would I do the HCG Diet?

Why would I do the HCG Diet?

Many people have tried multiple diets without success. They are frustrated by not losing weight, despite reductions in their food intake and multiple sessions at the gym. After all their struggles, they just can’t understand why the extra rolls of fat just don’t melt away. If you are one of these people, then the HCG Diet is an option for you. Instead only relying on your dieting and exercising expertise, rely on the amazing properties of HCG to change your metabolism to help you.

Wouldn’t I lose the same amount of weight eating a very low calorie diet without HCG?
You definitely can indeed lose weight by simply eating fewer calories and fat. Unfortunately, because the body stores fat during times of deprivation, you will most likely lose vital lean muscle before fat. This results in loss of muscle mass which is not what you want to happen. You want your body to chew up the fat cells, not your muscle cells.

Moreover, this causes your metabolism to slow down because your body goes into conservation mode. The nutrients in blood will drop and you will have massive hunger and it’s tough to be disciplined with famine hitting you. In addition, the slower metabolism results in fatigue, so you feel sluggish and tired. This does not motivate you to continue with this type of diet. The result is that you most likely will not lose your problem abnormal fat deposits. Your body will not be reshaped. When you stop the diet you will immediately gain all the weight back, plus more!

By using HCG with the very low calorie diet, weight lost comes directly from the mobilization of the abnormal fat tissue rather than stripping the body of much needed muscle. You metabolism is maintained as is your energy level, and the excessive amounts of fat-stored nutrients are released into the blood stream to be absorbed by the body.

The low calorie diet is vital to create the negative calorie balance necessary to lose weight. In addition, it can help prevent the immediate refilling of emptied fat cell. You benefit by preferentially getting rid of abnormal excess fat without affecting your lean muscle and normal fat stores.

Why do I have to see Dr. Broder every two weeks on the diet?

First, I want to make sure that you are in good health to do the diet. Some patients with debilitating diseases such as uncontrolled diabetes or advanced heart disease should probably not do the program. I need to evaluate your blood tests for potential problems and do a heart exam including an EKG. High protein diets have been associated with electrolyte disturbances; therefore regular blood tests should be performed to catch these problems early. Very low calorie diets have been associated with vitamin deficiencies, therefore a shot of vitamin is recommended to maintain this nutrition. Support for doing the diet is important, and people always have questions regarding the diet. Thus, regular visits are a must for successful of the program.

Is there a difference between structural fat, normal fat, and abnormal fat?
YES, there is a difference! Structural fat provides a cushion effect to our skin, such as on the hands or soles of our feet. This is good fat. Normal fat is also good, and is a good reserve of fuel for us, plus it is easy to metabolize away. However, abnormal fat is also a reserve of fuel, but it is difficult for our bodies to metabolize abnormal fat without HCG. However, with HCG, our metabolism changes so we mobilize this abnormal fat and this is the reason why the diet works so well.

HCG works primarily on abnormal fat and not on normal fat. Thus, if you don’t have much abnormal fat, you lose minimal weight and/or you can’t do the diet because you’re too hungry. Thus the diet does not work on people who want to lose just a few pounds. So if you are trying to fit into those smaller size jeans and you already are small, this is not the diet for you.

Will HCG interfere with any medications I am currently taking? What about birth control pills or Depo-Provera injections?
HCG does not interact with ANY medications, including birth control pills or Depo-Provera, so there are rarely any side effects.

Will I experience any changes in my menstrual cycle taking HCG?
Although the amount of HCG is small, there may be changes to your menstrual cycle. Likewise, HCG will not affect your ability to become pregnant, nor will it increase your chances of getting pregnant and it will not make your contraceptive less effective. However, because it is a hormone of pregnancy, for women it is recommended to start it after a menstrual cycle.

Why are some people calling HCG the “Weight Loss Cure”?
HCG is also being called the “Weight Loss Cure” because after taking it for weight loss, it reprograms your body to use stored fat for energy when calories are reduced for a period of time. Even after you stop using HCG, you still can maintain a low calorie diet and continue to lose weight. Essentially, it helps you maintain your weight and not regain the pounds you’ve lost once you resume normal caloric intakes. However, you still must be disciplined, eat right and exercise appropriately.

Will I gain the weight back once I stop the program?
Some degree of moderation in eating will be necessary because of the tendency to gain weight after any type of weight loss program. I recommend you eat only your resting calorie needs. This can be used as a maintenance phase for it is essentially a good well balanced diet. Many people find their stomachs have shrunk and they can continue eating the low calorie diet for many weeks. Stability of the normal weight is relatively easy because the weight loss is from storage fat and not from structural fat.

Why can I stay on HCG for only 30 days?

After you have used HCG for 30 days, it has been shown that your body develops an immunity to the medication. Thus, it is not able to mobilize the fat as well. Thus, you must stop the HCG after taking it for the 30 days.

How Does HCG cause the weight loss?

How Does HCG cause the weight loss?

The HCG diet is based on utilizing the amazing fat mobilizing properties of HCG. HCG is an abbreviation for Human Chorionic Gonadotropin. This is a hormone naturally produced in a woman’s body when she is pregnant. It has many functions and is used medically to treat a variety of conditions.

HCG is the pregnancy hormone that almost completely controls metabolic functions. This hormone allows the body to mobilize fat and use it as energy for both mother and fetus. This action is especially important during times of starvation or very low calorie diets. It serves as a “fail-safe” mechanism when energy is needed immediately. During pregnancy, this function is utilized by the woman’s body to preserve the pregnancy. For weight loss, we use only minute amounts of HCG to capitalize on this same mechanism. Using HCG in this way does NOT “mimic” pregnancy. However, it “tricks” your mind into changing its metabolism which helps burn the fat. It can be safely used by both adult men and women.

HCG plus the Very Low Calorie Diet (VLCDiet) works in 3 distinct ways:

A. HCG causes your hypothalamus to mobilize the fat out of the abnormal fat storage locations so that it’s available for use. The very low calorie diet of 500 calories a day triggers your hypothalamus to change your body’s metabolism so it continually releases the stored nutrients in the abnormal fat stored in your body. Because of this, your body is actually operating on thousands of calories a day, but most of these come from the stored fat. The result is your body uses these thousands of calories of fat from your abnormal fat stores and you lose weight. This is the reason why HCG users lose 1 to 2 lbs of fat or more, per day.

B. Maintains a normal basal metabolic rate. This is your resting energy needs. If one does not maintain intake of calories to equal your BMR, your body goes into conservation mode; it wants to conserve the calories stored in your body because it does not know when you’re going to feed it. HCG makes sure you don’t go into this slower metabolism mode so you continue to feel good while on the program.

C. Resets the hypothalamus to prevent future regain. After you have been on the diet for the 40 days, your body will continue to want to stay on it even after you stop using the HCG. This resetting of your hypothalamic metabolism continues for a few days to a few weeks after stopping the HCG so you can continue to lose even more weight.

Will my metabolism slow down if I’m on a very low calorie diet?
Normally when we cut back our calories and eat a very low calorie diet, our bodies tend to preserve fat and nutrient stores. Our hypothalamus sees that there are not many calories in our blood so it makes our metabolism slow down. Our body wants to conserve the fat because fat is really a life-saving source of stored energy.

When HCG is utilized with a very low calorie diet, however, the hormone causes the hypothalamus to signal to the body to mobilize the calories out of the abnormal fat storage locations and use these stored calories for energy burning to fuel our daily actions. The excess or abnormal fat reserves are reduced and you lose weight. In fact, your body is actually operating on thousands of calories a day which enables you to lose 1 or 2 pounds of fat per day.

Can I change the diet as long as I stick to 500 calories?
NO, you must stick with the protocol. This protocol has been shown to be successful only as directed. The unique combination of the HCG plus a very strict 500 calorie specific food consumption plan has been shown to work while other regimens have not. The exact foods used cause specific chemical reactions in the body and with the HCG activate the hypothalamus into mobilizing the secure abnormal fat reserves causing dramatic weight loss without the loss of muscle or structural fat. It is of the utmost importance for this to work you must strictly follow it to the letter, but you will get results.

Dr. Simeon of Rome, Italy, who created the diet, found that any variance away from these guidelines resulted in less success at losing weight. Thus, we only recommend strict adherence to the guidelines of the diet.

Will HCG work without a diet?
Although there is no dramatic weight loss without the accompanying diet, HCG can cause a reduction in inches rather than pounds. However, this is not recommended due to the time constraints of using the HCG.

Can I maintain the diet even if I engage in daily hard physical labor?
Yes, you may continue to do your normal activities. HCG allows you to maintain this diet even during hard work or vigorous exercise. However, you may get tired quicker so be aware of this. The good thing is that the HCG mobilizes and uses abnormal fat stores for calories and energy instead of stripping the muscle of protein for energy. It thus prevents the breakdown of lean muscle.

Does the diet require a lot of work in planning and preparation?
Because the diet is very simple, it actually is very simple to comply and is one of the easiest diets to do. You need a food scale to measure the 3.5 oz (100 gm) of meat, white fish, chicken or shrimp. Whitefish fillets and precooked frozen shrimp placed directly on the grill makes a freshly prepared tasty meal in just minutes. Place on organic greens from the bags with fresh lemon and you are eating a quick, fulfilling meal. The same is easily done with frozen boneless chicken or lean steak as well.

If you don’t have a stove, purchase a Forman grill at your neighborhood department store or a GT Xpress 101 indoor electric cooker at Most upscale grocery stores have organic meats and produce that are very reasonable. If you like to cook, there are many cookbooks available on the web and at book stores that give you recipes for the HCG diet. You may want to purchase some of these to give your diet variety and spice.

How much weight can I expect to lose on the program?
Much of it depends on your starting point. The more weight to lose the more weight is lost. On average, our patients lose around 15-40 lbs. per month. It is not unusual for some people to lose 10 to 12 lbs in the first week.

Does the weight loss slow down after the first month?
Many times what we see is a large amount of weight loss in the first month, then a plateau or leveling off. This does not mean that your weight loss has stopped. Typically, inches are being lost continuously while on the program, and after a period of time, patients will experience another large drop on the scale. Weight loss is thus achieved in this stair-step fashion.

How long can I continue the medication?
After 30 doses, the effectiveness diminishes due to the body’s ability to develop temporary immunity to the HCG. However, if necessary, subsequent courses of Phase 1 can be resumed after a 3-week stabilizing period. In some instances, 4 or more courses have been given with continued effectiveness if a 3-week interval has been allowed between them.

When can I start taking HCG again?

It takes around six weeks for the HCG immunity to go away. After that time, you can start another 30 days of HCG if you have not reached your weight loss goals. This leap frog schedule can be continued until you have lost the weight you desire.

Do I have to exercise?
It is recommended that you maintain good physical activity through the diet program. You don’t have to overdo it or exercise for long hours of time to lose the weight. Physical activity is essential in maintaining total health for the body. A physically fit and healthy body is the result of exercise and good nutrition. A few additional benefits of exercise are; improved sleep, healthier body composition, prevention of disease and chronic illnesses, and increased energy.

Does this mean I have to go the gym everyday for 1 or more hours?
No, in terms of resetting your body weight set point, walking at any pace one hour a day is the very effective and most everyone can do it! We suggest developing an exercise routine that fits into your daily routine. If you do not already exercise, start off slow and increase at your own pace. For a fun way to exercise, get the new “Wii Fit” computer game. There are also many exercise DVDs available and you can pick the ones you like to make your exercise sessions enjoyable. All these are ideas to help make exercising fun and motivating that you can do in your own home and enjoy it!

Will I still lose weight if I don’t exercise?
Yes, but light to moderate exercise is important in lowering stress, clearing the brain, improving strength & flexibility, controlling insulin utilization, managing weight, burning more calories, and increasing lean muscle mass. Not to mention the reshaping and recon touring it can contribute. Exercise is encouraged for those reasons but is not necessary.

Who can do the HCG Diet?

Most people who have an overweight problem and seriously want to lose over 20 pounds of fat can do the HCG diet. The best candidates are people in relatively good health who are motivated to lose weight. People in poor health should either not do the diet, or be very carefully monitored if they do it. To be successful, one must be willing to be very disciplined regarding eating.

It is sometimes very difficult to change from eating lots of calories a day to eating only 500 calories a day. I recommend that one should do this diet with a buddy to help give each other support. At my office, I even give a discount to those people who do the diet together to encourage this support. Once the first week has passed, eating the 500 calories a day actually gets easier due to the infusion of nutrients from your abnormal fat into your bloodstream.

It is not a diet for people who want to lose just a few pounds because one must have an adequate amount of abnormal fat to metabolize away. These people would do better on a minimal calorie restriction diet and exercise. These may also consider doing liposuction if their deposits are in areas that their diet and exercise simply cannot seem to dissolve.

Can men do this diet?

Absolutely. Men usually get a better result than women and it is equally safe in men as women and usually no significant side effects are seen. It does not give you man-boobs or estrogen effects as it is not a sex hormone like estrogen, progesterone, or testosterone. It is more like the hormones adrenalin or thyroxine.

If HCG works so well for weight loss, why don’t pregnant women lose weight?

HCG works to mobilize abnormal fat for utilization by the body only when there is a decrease in calories and fat. A starvation state must exist for HCG to work. For pregnant women, this helps preserve the fetus so adequate nutrition is continually given to the fetus for its survival. For weight loss, a very low calorie diet triggers the HCG to help rid the body of fat. Pregnant women could lose weight if they did a low calorie diet, but this is not recommended during pregnancy.

Has this method been used before?

Yes. When first reported in the Medical Journal Lancet in November of 1954, it had been used in thousands of cases. Since then, it had been used in many more thousands of people with great success. References are everywhere on the internet for those who are interested.

Can my overweight children use this program?

No. This program is not advisable for persons under the age of puberty. Please visit your pediatrician for other methods available for these cases. The diet should be used in people over age 16.

Do you guarantee that I will lose weight with this method?

As with any weight loss method or other medical treatment, no guarantees can be made. However, most of our patients have lost an appreciable amount of weight with this program. It is the most effective method we have experienced in weight reduction.

Is the HCG Diet approved by the FDA?

The FDA’s role is to set-up tests and recommends safety of drug related products on the market. As an agency they are not in the medical business. As long as a drug is safe to use then it is up to the discretion of the medical doctor to prescribe it for various conditions that they are “trained to understand and know the application for”.

HCG is FDA approved to treat many various health issues and has been in existence to do so for over 45 years by the medical community. It is considered safe and has few side effects. HCG is used to cause ovulation and to treat infertility in women, and to increase sperm count in men. HCG is also used in young boys with long, slender hands, large breasts, wide hips, buttocks and thighs with striation, knock-knees and underdeveloped genitals, often with undescended testicles. This can be caused by a pituitary gland disorder.* It has been used off label in the U.S. for weight loss since the 1970s when it was introduced from Europe. The doses used for weight loss are miniscule compared to doses used for the other conditions.

The following is a list of conditions that HCG has been used for due to these approvals: Cryptorchidism, Hypogonadism, Infertility, Oligospermia, Ovulation induction, Prepubescent Cryptorchidism, Kaposi’s Sarcoma, Froehlich’s syndrome.

Although there are studies to demonstrate significant weight loss and thousands of case reports regarding weight loss, body contouring and HCG, The following is the FDA’s position:

Indications and Usage: HCG has not been demonstrated to be effective adjunctive therapy in the treatment of obesity. There is no substantial evidence that it increases weight loss beyond that resulting from caloric restriction that it causes a more attractive or “normal” distribution of fat, or that it decreases the hunger and discomfort associated with calorie-restricted diets.

Legal Disclaimer
: The FDA has not approved HCG for weight loss. Although not approved by the FDA, HCG has been used for weight loss and this use of it is considered an “off label” use of the hormone.

Sunday, December 6, 2009

HCG Diet at Beleza Medspa with Dr. Broder

We will be starting a medical weight loss clinic utilizing HCG as a supplement to a very low calorie diet (VLCD). So what does this really mean? Is this just another fad diet? I have waited a long time to add a weight loss program to Beleza. The current diets and medications out there will result in some weight loss while you stick to them. The problem occurs when they come to an end. Almost everybody gains all the weight back. It is obvious that the conditions that led to the initial weight problem are not being dealt with.
Have you been working hard at losing weight but you just can’t seem to do it? Are you stuck in a rut and can’t seem to shed those extra pounds despite dieting and exercising? Is frustration overwhelming you because you reduce the amount of food you eat, you exercise, and try hard to lose weight but you just get exhausted yet those extra pounds seem to just hang on?

If you answered “yes” to any of these questions, you may be interested in an amazing weight loss program called the HCG Diet. It is a diet that can help you quickly shed 20 to 30, can keep your energy level up, can reduce your hunger, and can make you feel fine. Plus, it can motivate you and spur you to losing all the weight you want because you will see results without the exhaustion that seems to accompany the alternative diet ideas.

The HCG Diet offers you an opportunity to participate in a unique medical weight loss program if you desire a healthy, effective weight loss management and maintenance program. The program has the advantages of medical assistance and supervision to ensure your safety, while enabling you to lose weight rapidly to help motivate you to achieve your weight loss goals.

This successful weight loss program is based on the amazing power of HCG, a natural hormone found normally in pregnant women that has an innate ability to change your body’s metabolism. HCG (an abbreviation for Human Chorionic Gonadotropin), in a sense, “tricks” your body into thinking that it is “pregnant”. During times of starvation or very low calorie diets, when the body has HCG flowing within it, the body mobilizes the abnormal deposits of fat for nutrition. This is a natural response of the body with HCG for it wants to keep giving nutrients to the fetus it thinks you have. Thus, when these fat stores are being utilized, the weight drops precipitously. It is not uncommon to lose one to two pounds a day on this diet.

Normally, without HCG, if you did a very low calorie diet, such as 500 calories a day, you would be sluggish, fatigued, tired, and hungry. If you add HCG, your metabolism changes and you’re able to lose those extra pounds while maintaining your energy level and decreasing your appetite over time. Moreover, if you eat plenty of protein, you do not lose muscle mass with the weight loss.

Sounds too good to be true?

Believe it! HCG pulls nutrients from the abnormal fat stores thus supplying the needed energy calories to your body so fatigue is usually not a factor. Moreover, because the body sees lots of nutrients in the blood, the appetite center in the brain is not overly stimulated, thus the hunger pains are usually minimal and very tolerable.

The HCG diet was developed by Dr. Simeon in Rome Italy in the mid 1900s. He postulated that we have three types of fat. One is structural fat, such as the fatty cushions in the soles of our feet. One is normal fat that acts as a reserve of energy stores. Finally, one is abnormal fat, such as the large deposits of fat in the pot bellies, the saddlebags, the love handles and the hips. The latter are the large fat reserves that make us look “fat”.

HCG works primarily to mobilize the abnormal fat and to thus shrink the fatty deposits so you lose weight. It does not seem to mobilize normal fat reserves or structural fat very well. Therefore, it is a diet for people who want to lose 15 to 90 pounds or more. It is not a diet for people who need to lose only a few pounds for they have very little abnormal fat. These people may want to consider liposuction for body contouring to achieve their desired result, or just do a mild calorie restriction diet with proper exercise. Moreover, both men and women can do the program (No, men do not grow “man boobs”),

For people who want to lose a lot of weight, this program is ideal. It is easy to do. You don’t have to spend hours of time doing lots of exercise, although maintaining good muscle tone is very important for your health. While doing the diet, you learn about how many calories are in foods and how a food journal works easily. Plus, the fast results are a motivational boost for the successful dieter to continue to lose weight.

The diet program consists of three phases, each guided intensively and monitored by trained medical specialists, such as Dr. Broder. An initial workup includes an exam and blood work. Then you are seen every two weeks and checked for potential side effects of this very low calorie diet. Supplements are prescribed as needed to maintain your health so your body receives the essential nutrients it needs, while it metabolizes the stored fat and you lose the extra weight.

If you are interested in doing the HCG Diet, call our office today and get started. You will never feel better and will not regret what you can do for your body and your life.