Monday, December 7, 2009

Why would I do the HCG Diet?

Why would I do the HCG Diet?

Many people have tried multiple diets without success. They are frustrated by not losing weight, despite reductions in their food intake and multiple sessions at the gym. After all their struggles, they just can’t understand why the extra rolls of fat just don’t melt away. If you are one of these people, then the HCG Diet is an option for you. Instead only relying on your dieting and exercising expertise, rely on the amazing properties of HCG to change your metabolism to help you.

Wouldn’t I lose the same amount of weight eating a very low calorie diet without HCG?
You definitely can indeed lose weight by simply eating fewer calories and fat. Unfortunately, because the body stores fat during times of deprivation, you will most likely lose vital lean muscle before fat. This results in loss of muscle mass which is not what you want to happen. You want your body to chew up the fat cells, not your muscle cells.

Moreover, this causes your metabolism to slow down because your body goes into conservation mode. The nutrients in blood will drop and you will have massive hunger and it’s tough to be disciplined with famine hitting you. In addition, the slower metabolism results in fatigue, so you feel sluggish and tired. This does not motivate you to continue with this type of diet. The result is that you most likely will not lose your problem abnormal fat deposits. Your body will not be reshaped. When you stop the diet you will immediately gain all the weight back, plus more!

By using HCG with the very low calorie diet, weight lost comes directly from the mobilization of the abnormal fat tissue rather than stripping the body of much needed muscle. You metabolism is maintained as is your energy level, and the excessive amounts of fat-stored nutrients are released into the blood stream to be absorbed by the body.

The low calorie diet is vital to create the negative calorie balance necessary to lose weight. In addition, it can help prevent the immediate refilling of emptied fat cell. You benefit by preferentially getting rid of abnormal excess fat without affecting your lean muscle and normal fat stores.

Why do I have to see Dr. Broder every two weeks on the diet?

First, I want to make sure that you are in good health to do the diet. Some patients with debilitating diseases such as uncontrolled diabetes or advanced heart disease should probably not do the program. I need to evaluate your blood tests for potential problems and do a heart exam including an EKG. High protein diets have been associated with electrolyte disturbances; therefore regular blood tests should be performed to catch these problems early. Very low calorie diets have been associated with vitamin deficiencies, therefore a shot of vitamin is recommended to maintain this nutrition. Support for doing the diet is important, and people always have questions regarding the diet. Thus, regular visits are a must for successful of the program.

Is there a difference between structural fat, normal fat, and abnormal fat?
YES, there is a difference! Structural fat provides a cushion effect to our skin, such as on the hands or soles of our feet. This is good fat. Normal fat is also good, and is a good reserve of fuel for us, plus it is easy to metabolize away. However, abnormal fat is also a reserve of fuel, but it is difficult for our bodies to metabolize abnormal fat without HCG. However, with HCG, our metabolism changes so we mobilize this abnormal fat and this is the reason why the diet works so well.

HCG works primarily on abnormal fat and not on normal fat. Thus, if you don’t have much abnormal fat, you lose minimal weight and/or you can’t do the diet because you’re too hungry. Thus the diet does not work on people who want to lose just a few pounds. So if you are trying to fit into those smaller size jeans and you already are small, this is not the diet for you.

Will HCG interfere with any medications I am currently taking? What about birth control pills or Depo-Provera injections?
HCG does not interact with ANY medications, including birth control pills or Depo-Provera, so there are rarely any side effects.

Will I experience any changes in my menstrual cycle taking HCG?
Although the amount of HCG is small, there may be changes to your menstrual cycle. Likewise, HCG will not affect your ability to become pregnant, nor will it increase your chances of getting pregnant and it will not make your contraceptive less effective. However, because it is a hormone of pregnancy, for women it is recommended to start it after a menstrual cycle.

Why are some people calling HCG the “Weight Loss Cure”?
HCG is also being called the “Weight Loss Cure” because after taking it for weight loss, it reprograms your body to use stored fat for energy when calories are reduced for a period of time. Even after you stop using HCG, you still can maintain a low calorie diet and continue to lose weight. Essentially, it helps you maintain your weight and not regain the pounds you’ve lost once you resume normal caloric intakes. However, you still must be disciplined, eat right and exercise appropriately.

Will I gain the weight back once I stop the program?
Some degree of moderation in eating will be necessary because of the tendency to gain weight after any type of weight loss program. I recommend you eat only your resting calorie needs. This can be used as a maintenance phase for it is essentially a good well balanced diet. Many people find their stomachs have shrunk and they can continue eating the low calorie diet for many weeks. Stability of the normal weight is relatively easy because the weight loss is from storage fat and not from structural fat.

Why can I stay on HCG for only 30 days?

After you have used HCG for 30 days, it has been shown that your body develops an immunity to the medication. Thus, it is not able to mobilize the fat as well. Thus, you must stop the HCG after taking it for the 30 days.

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