Thursday, January 14, 2010

HCG Diet for 2010! Austin Texas

     Within the next week we will beginning our HCG diet program.  I have posted extensive information on HCG on the wellness page of our website.  Briefly, we combine a very low calorie diet (500 KCAL!) with administration of daily HCG.  You may ask how will I function on 500 calories a day?  Without HCG, you would go into starvation mode and begin to metabolize protein and have trouble maintaining your blood sugar.  This would leave you weak and feeling terrible.  You wouldn't lose much fat as the body will hold on to it for dear life.  This is where the HCG comes in.  The HCG appears to allow your body to freely access its fat stores during this restricted diet.  As a result your body can maintain your blood sugar by breaking down fat and you will be able to function normally.  All the while you will be burning your fat while conserving your valuable protein stores!  Even better, it appears the HCG induces long lasting changes in your
metabolism that serve to maintain the weight loss.
     This program involves a very strict diet and cannot tolerate cheating.  You must keep your body in a negative caloric intake mode so it depends on your fat stores for energy.  If you give it any extra fat, it will use that before it takes it off your belly!  Discipline is a must!  But as you see the pounds begin to drop off, your motivation will increase.  The program will run 4-6 weeks and and 1-2 pounds/day of weight loss is not unheard of.  Of course this program must be monitored by a physician.  We will perform a physical including labs prior to starting.  You will also be given specific supplements to make up for any deficient in the diet.  Our program will include the physical, labs, HCG, digital scale, body composition analysis and several other goodies!  We are looking to change your body and metabolism for the better, permanently!  Lawrence BroderMD

Posted via email from belezamedspa's posterous

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